Tomorrow is the open house day at Unibator and nothing like giving the heads-up on a project that was on our radar for a while – Whinker. Whinker wants to provide affordable, high quality education programs and international exchange programs, to enable more people to secure fair paid jobs in emerging and developing countries....
Open house day at Unibator
🚀Interessierst du dich für die Welt der StartUps oder willst du selbst eins gründen? Komm am 5. September um 11 Uhr beim Unibator vorbei und lerne die aktuellen Unibator StartUps persönlich kennen.🚀 ➡Mehr Infos unter: Whinker Oatsome Go Crush – Die App für Gruppentreffen #IndustryList Funds4Talents EkipaFosanis Chefslist BC-Ticket #Neeval Wonderfoods Sunday Briefing - Dein kostenloser Newsletter aus dem Startup- und Innovations-Ökosystem FrankfurtRheinMain direkt ins Postfach....
Women Who Inspire RMS goes Goethe – more infos
WOMEN WHO INSPIRE RHEIN MAIN STARTUPS is back and will take place at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ( Room HZ 4). The event will take place on monday 25th of June, from 18:00, and we are looking forward to welcome everyone interested in getting more insights, tips and learnings from WOMEN who are outstanding in different fields...
Bachelor-meets-Startup next week
Event Description Are you interested in the world of startups? You would like to be part of a young, ambitious company? Looking for a Job? Then come to Bachelor-meets-Startup on June 11, 2018 at 18.00h Campus Westend Casino and gain exciting insights into the varied workday of young companies. Companies joining includes: Inga, Tracktics, Emma,...
Start-up-Radar: Gapster
Customized Sustainability Check- Find companies that survive your sustainability check. Sustainability covers corporates’ environmental, social and governance performance. Select from 8000 international companies with more than 150 million employees. Today we want to highlight an Unibator project – Gapster -a cloud solution for the HR-management that provides valid online-assessments to employees and applicants in more than...
Global partnership to produce in-depth study of Frankfurt startup ecosystem
In a unique global partnership, a 28-year-old Chinese serial entrepreneur, Startup Genome, Goethe University, and TechQuartier have come together to identify key factors in the success and growth of startup ecosystems. The project will focus on the fast-growing startup ecosystem in Frankfurt, Germany, and will generate findings that can be applied to regions across the...
Tip for next eat out: Meet LuBu | The App that matches you with your Lunch Buddy
This app helps you to organize your lunch or coffee break, no matter if you are at work, at university or somewhere in the city. [youtube] LUBU CONNECTS SIMPLIFIES SAVES TIME INSPIRES IT’S MORE THAN JUST LUNCH. More about them – here. Sunday Briefing - Dein kostenloser Newsletter aus dem Startup- und Innovations-Ökosystem FrankfurtRheinMain...
17 Hochschulen in FrankfurtRheinMain kooperieren für mehr Gründergeist und Unternehmertum
Die Hochschulen der Wissensregion FrankfurtRheinMain rücken näher zusammen und bündeln an zentraler Stelle auf dieser Plattform ihre Kompetenzen bei der Unterstützung von Startup-Initiativen aus dem akademischen Umfeld. Ab sofort können sich gründungsinteressierte Studierende, Startups in den frühen Phasen des Aufbaus oder Startups auf Wachstumskurs informieren, an welcher Hochschule sie passende Angebote finden. Dazu zählen unter...
we {code} it – Win-Win for Students and Companies
In a win-win situation all persons involved benefit more through the cooperation than without it, quasi a double win. This kind of overall asset experience for computer science students and companies is provided by the IT-Startup we {code} it located in Frankfurt, Germany. The business model in a nutshell: The computer science students have the...
Today, we would like to present you Floating Office, a project that aims to hasten the arrival of the office of the future and to make the work of tomorrow be more creative and efficient. Do you want to know more? Some Key Facts about the company Founder: Philipp Overath, Sigrid Whitmore, Dominik Stetter, Florian von...
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