In a coworking space (CoWorkPlay) Joern got together with Simon Toprak (…), Founder and CEO of the Frankfurt-based startup Trusted Cars ( They have been dubbed the “Amazon of Cars” by the German media, since they are an online platform digitizing the buying of used cars. They are starting their ICO for their product Trusted...
And it’s NOT gone – Savedroid is Safe (?)
Situation is now explained: [youtube] It was nothing but a Marketing/PR campaign to create awareness about the problems in the system and how Savedroid wants to be part or commits to solve it. In terms of PR, what a success, Savedroid made it to most media channels, specialized or even big general ones, local...
Thanks guys! Over and out … #savedroidICO
Thanks guys! Over and out … #savedroidICO — Yassin Hankir #savedroidico (@YassinHankir) April 18, 2018 Pretty much is a top news of today…whats your opinion? Hack, ICOscam or even a PRStunt? Nobody knows what is going on right now…but some people are saying that if it was a joke…was a bad one… Sunday Briefing...
Frankfurter Startup CoinAnalyst plant ICO
Das Spin-Off der Cogia GmbH will 20 Mio. Euro Kapital einsammeln Das Frankfurter Unternehmen für Big Data Analysen CoinAnalyst plant für den 15. April 2018 einen deutschen ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Damit gehört das Spin-Off der Cogia GmbH bundesweit zu den Pionieren für ICOs. Bei einem ICO gibt das Unternehmen eine Art Kryptowährung, auch...
HELIX Orange – Generation ICO
Today we present: Helix Orange Generation ICO [youtube] If you want to know more: For those interested, there will be a Kick-Off in the next Blockchain MeetUp Frankfurt. When? Next Week – 6th of March What time? 18:30 – 21:30 Where? FinTech Headquarter – Münchener Str. 45 · Frankfurt This MeetUp will be...
savedroid startet ICO, um Krypto-Sparen für Jedermann zu ermöglichen
Das auf Artificial Intelligence spezialisierte FinTech-Startup savedroid startet den ersten deutschen ICO (Initial Coin Offering) zur Blockchain-Inklusion: Künftig können Nutzer mit savedroid ihre Sparbeträge einfach in Bitcoin oder Ethereum tauschen und sicher speichern. Damit ermöglicht savedroid künftig auch Otto Normalsparern einen einfachen Zugang zu Kryptowährungen ohne technologische Adaptionsbarrieren. „Aktuell sind Kryptowährungen ein absoluter Nischenmarkt. Die...