The PropTech Meetup is coming back to Frankfurt and again the focus is to discuss young and fresh PropTech business models with you! That is why Blackprint opens the stage for pitchs! Candidates will have maximum four minutes to pitch the business model (without slides) and get feedback from the community. If you are a...
How to create a network that works for you?
How to create a network that works for you? What do startup entrepreneurs want? A good team, investors to put funds and faith in them, mentors, enter an acceleration program, clients, media coverage, and so on… all to allow for their solution to make its impact on people. It is all possible with hard work...
TQ Talent Night
A new generation of innovative young leaders show that vibrant ecosystems rely more than ever on their people and their willingness to be innovative and to take action. Our goal is to give young people access to the Frankfurt Startup ecosystem and allow them to experience the possibilities that lie within it. Connecting students with...
Technologische Weiterentwicklung und Neue Wege – Eintracht Frankfurt kooperiert mit TechQuartier
Eintracht Frankfurt geht eine langfristige Kooperation mit TechQuartier (TQ), dem zentralen Startup- und Tech-Hub in der Metropolregion Frankfurt, ein. Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung verändert auch das Geschäftsumfeld von Eintracht Frankfurt. Der Verein sieht die Digitalisierung als Herausforderung, aber vor allem als Chance, um sein zukünftiges wirtschaftliches Wachstum zu sichern. Die Eintracht ist der erste Bundesligist, der in diesem Bereich eine langfristige...
Get Started! Film & Talk about Entrepreneurship & Empowerment
“Get Started!” ist eine programmatische Filmreihe, die Einblicke in die Gründer- und Startup-Szene gibt und zum Erfahrungsaustausch einlädt. Jeder Filmabend stellt eines der Themen: „Advancing Science & Technology“, „Empowering Women“ und „Entrepreneurship“ in den Fokus. Im Anschluß an das Filmscreening gibt es einen offenen Austausch mit lokalen und internationalen Gästen zum jeweiligen Filmthema. Es handelt...
On December 8th, 2017 TQ is celebrating its 1st anniversary and, even more important, to look forward to what’s to come. Despite the past year being challenging, they are grateful for all your support. In honor of this occasion, they would like to thank each and every one of you who believed in them and...
Landing Pad Special: Emotics
Landing Pad Your springboard to Europe’s largest market – in this special section we will present daily the projects that are enrolled in this edition – partnership from KPMG and TQ. Emotics helps to solve widely recognised problems with compliance training by monitoring user behavior during compliance training in heavily regulated industries such as...
Landing Pad Special: DeepEyes
Landing Pad Your springboard to Europe’s largest market – in this special section we will present daily the projects that are enrolled in this edition – partnership from KPMG and TQ. DeepEyes – – is the only face, gesture, emotion and object A.I. solution that can run in stand-alone environments. The speed of their...
Landing Pad Special: bNesis
Landing Pad Your springboard to Europe’s largest market – in this special section we will present daily the projects that are enrolled in this edition – partnership from KPMG and TQ. bNesis streamlines API integrations and teaches banks “to talk” to eWallets, scoring, payment and banking systems; simplifying and automating payments and data transfer,...
Dieses Wochenprogramm im TechQuartier macht Euch "Investment Ready"
„Money meets Idea“ (MMI) richtet sich an Early Stage-Tech Startups, die bereits einen funktionierenden Prototyp entwickelt haben oder ein marktreifes Produkt und erste Kunden vorweisen können. Im Fokus des Programms liegen Workshops und Coachings, die die Startups dazu befähigen in einer Woche „Investment Ready“ zu sein. Die Startups erhalten für diese Zeit Arbeitsplätze im TQs,...