Situation is now explained: [youtube] It was nothing but a Marketing/PR campaign to create awareness about the problems in the system and how Savedroid wants to be part or commits to solve it. In terms of PR, what a success, Savedroid made it to most media channels, specialized or even big general ones, local...
Thanks guys! Over and out … #savedroidICO
Thanks guys! Over and out … #savedroidICO — Yassin Hankir #savedroidico (@YassinHankir) April 18, 2018 Pretty much is a top news of today…whats your opinion? Hack, ICOscam or even a PRStunt? Nobody knows what is going on right now…but some people are saying that if it was a joke…was a bad one… Sunday Briefing...
Open Office Friday: Savedroid
Open Office Friday is a new section that we started last month, to showcase some offices in Frankfurt from the coolest startups. Nothing like opening the doors for those who never visited or met us. This Friday our pick is Savedroid. So find here some photos of their brand new office. As you may have noticed...
Another multi-million financing round for Savedroid?
Well, so it seems, according to what´s been shared… 1.5 million and some names as Alfred Schorno, Managing Partner of the Forex trading platform 360T, and crypto entrepreneur Dennis Weidner. Read more here: _________________________________________________________________ WERDE TEIL DER STARTUP-COMMUNITY IN FRANKFURT/RHEIN-MAIN! Unsere News und Tipps bekommst Du auch bei Facebook, Twitter oder über unseren RSS-Feed. Tausche Dich aus über unsere Facebook-Gruppe oder...
2017 fastforward 2018 – Frankfurt Rhein Main Startups compilation
Week 2 of the year is almost over, but still, is always good to look back of what 2017 brought us. Particularly speaking, had a great year. An example, is that we managed to grow our audience at our Facebook Page by almost 50%. Thanks for all our readers and hopefully we will keep...
savedroid startet ICO, um Krypto-Sparen für Jedermann zu ermöglichen
Das auf Artificial Intelligence spezialisierte FinTech-Startup savedroid startet den ersten deutschen ICO (Initial Coin Offering) zur Blockchain-Inklusion: Künftig können Nutzer mit savedroid ihre Sparbeträge einfach in Bitcoin oder Ethereum tauschen und sicher speichern. Damit ermöglicht savedroid künftig auch Otto Normalsparern einen einfachen Zugang zu Kryptowährungen ohne technologische Adaptionsbarrieren. „Aktuell sind Kryptowährungen ein absoluter Nischenmarkt. Die...
Small Talk Jan Pleser
Today we want to chat with Jan Pleser. Jan is the CMO of Savedroid, a fintech start-up he joined one year ago. He has always been enthusiastic about good, thought-provoking advertising ideas and after his studies of economics, he dived into the advertising industry. There, he recently advised major brands such as Procter &Gamble, Nestlé and...
Job offers at Savedroid
Savedroid is currently looking for:- Digital Marketing Manager – Digital Marketing Manager – Senior Product Owner – Head of AI – Customer Service Agent Willing to join the team? See our (or theirs) Facebook page to know more: _________________________________________________________________ BECOME A PART OF THE STARTUP COMMUNITY IN FRANKFURT/RHEIN-MAIN! Stay up to date...
Trouver un emploi ou un stage à Francfort – Offres d'emploi pour francophone
Are you a French expat looking for Job in Frankfurt? I would recommend you to speak to Alexandra Hofmann. She is the Head of Business Development and HR from a great Fintech startup in the center of Frankfurt – Savedroid. Savedroid is a young Startup that launched the first intelligent savings app. More than 150.000...
Frankfurter Fintech-Startup savedroid erhält Wachstumsfinanzierung mit 20 Mio. Euro Bewertung
Das auf Artificial Intelligence (AI) spezialisierte FinTech savedroid hat eine Wachstumsfinanzierung auf Basis einer 20 Millionen Euro-Bewertung abgeschlossen. Zu den Investoren des Frankfurter FinTech-Startups zählen neben der Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz FinTech-erfahrene Business Angels. Auch Infosys Deutschland-Gründer Debjit Chaudhuri und Traxpay-Gründer Dr. Michael Rundshagen gehören zum Investorenkreis. Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender der savedroid AG, Dr. Yassin Hankir,...