FitTech goes Frankfurt! #fittechffm Thursday, May 17, 2018 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM This is the Frankfurt chapter of the Munich FitTech Meetup. The meetup is devoted to how technology is changing and augmenting the way we do fitness, from artificial intelligence and wearables to apps and smart equipment. We are a networking & knowledge platform for...
More updates about Frankfurt Talent Night – 1 week to go
Some weeks ago, I personally unveiled some info about an event that I was planning and organizing – Frankfurt Talent Night– by Talent Summit / Talent Space and hosted at WeWork Frankfurt. Well, today we are one week to go. In a nutshell, Frankfurt Talent Night it´s an event that focuses on connecting students, young professionals,...
Women Who Inspire RMS
First of all, I must confess, I was hesitating about publishing or not this article, due to the fact that I´m not a special fan of this kind of special dates ( just like Valentine’s days). In my opinion, the fact that we need to celebrate a special day, may mean that deep inside there is...
2017 fastforward 2018 – Frankfurt Rhein Main Startups compilation
Week 2 of the year is almost over, but still, is always good to look back of what 2017 brought us. Particularly speaking, had a great year. An example, is that we managed to grow our audience at our Facebook Page by almost 50%. Thanks for all our readers and hopefully we will keep...
Web Summit 2017 – one month to go
First of all, yes, this event is not in Frankfurt or Rhein Main Area, but, it would be hard not to mention one of the most important events and one that has been growing into such an international platform/meetup between the biggest companies but also the small but promising projects, startups, investors and service providers from Europe....
Afterwork: Love The Burn Bootcamp
You love sports? You always wanted to try and feel the ANTELOPE.TECHWEAR? You want to support a regional start-up product and another fantastic local project? Now you can! ANTELOPE and 2HP are organizing another edition of “Love the Burn Bootcamp”. And from the 10th of August on it will take place every Thursday! ANTELOPE products...
Start-ups are Sexy – some even help you to be sexier! 3 examples from Rhein-Main
Not more than two weeks ago, there was quite some media coverage about statements from Peter Barkows (Managing Director of Barkows consulting) on how start-ups are Sexy and how Frankfurt is now starting to realize it. The context of the statements and articles was around the Fintech environment. The arguments and data in those articles are very relevant and interesting...
Startup-Adventskalender: das 14. Türchen
Hohoho… jeden Tag erwartet euch hier in unserem Startup-Adventskalender bis Weihnachten nun eine andere Startup-Kurzvorstellung und ein kleines Buch-Gewinnspiel. Ihr könnt also gleichermaßen die lokale Gründerszene etwas besser kennenlernen und die Chance auf einen spannenden Buchpreis erhalten. Heute öffnen wir für euch das 14. Türchen: Das Startup des Tages: Antelope 2014 von einer Gruppe sportbegeisterter...
Produkttester für EMS-Produkte im Frankfurter Raum gesucht
Für die EMS (Elektro-Muskel-Stimulation) Produkte vom Frankfurter Startup Antelope.Club / Wearable Life Science werden im Frankfurter Raum Produkttester gesucht, die Feedback zu den Produkten geben. Teste die neue ANTELOPE.TECHWEAR! Muskelkontraktionen werden normalerweise durch elektrische Signale verursacht, die vom zentralen Nervensystem gesendet werden. Elektro-Muskel-Stimulation (EMS) ist eine Methode zur Verstärkung dieser Muskelaktivierungen. EMS arbeitet, indem es ein stärkeres elektrisches...
Healthcare-Startups aus FrankfurtRheinMain
Die Region Rhein-Main und das erweiterte Umland sind mit einer starken Gesundheitsbranche gesegnet, ob Klinik-Betreiber (wie die Rhön-Klinikum AG), Healthcare-Unternehmen (wie die B. Braun Melsungen AG oder Fresenius) oder Pharma-Unternehmen (wie Merck oder Sanofi). Teilweise finden aus diesen bestehenden Unternehmen heraus auch Förderungen für innovative Ideen statt. Erwähnt seien beispielhaft die Aktivitäten von der Merck...
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