After having successfully launched its services in the US, the IT-Service company Geneka Technologies, with headquarters in India, has now officially opened a subsidiary in Frankfurt. Geneka Technologies Europe GmbH is offering a broad range of services, with a special focus on the needs of Start-ups. Be it the development of Websites, mobile Apps, Special...
CloudRail closes round of funding for API marketplace
APIs are used by developers to let apps, cloud services and smart devices talk to each other. Regardless the almost endless possibilities coming with connected services, developers face many technical challenges – which has been solved by API integration provider CloudRail. Lately, the company has announced a high six-digit investment from the family office of...
Pitch Club Developer Edition – on October 26th,
“Pitch Club Developer Edition” on October 26th, starting at 5pm at The Legends (Stephanstr. 1, 60313 FFM) in Frankfurt am Main. So this is like a job interview – but reversed! Companies pitch themselves and the perks they offer to the audience, i.e. the developers and project managers, who ask tough and hair-raising questions in...
Product Tank Frankfurt – Building products grounded in team culture
Product Tank is coming to Frankfurt. Join us for a discussion about “Building products grounded in team culture”. Our special guest and speaker is Eileen Mandir, Executive & Leadership Coach and former VP product of moovel Group. About Product Tank ProductTank Frankfurt is the meetup for product people in Frankfurt and Rhein-Main. It brings together the...
CloudRail – die universelle API/Schnittstelle nun kostenfrei nutzbar
Gute Nachrichten für die Entwickler unter euch! CloudRail, die Plattform für die universelle Schnittstelle/API zur Integration von 3rd party APIs hat sein Geschäftsmodell geändert und steht nun allen Entwicklern kostenfrei zur Verfügung. 3rd party services können nun von euch komfortabel über diese eine Schnittstelle angesprochen werden und der Entwicklungsaufwand für die Erstellung eurer Web-Applikation kann erheblich reduziert...
Webmontag Frankfurt #37 am 16. April mit buntem Programm
Der Webmontag #37 in der Brotfabrik Frankfurt bietet am 16. April wieder ein buntes Programm aus der Web-, Mobile- und Startupszene. Ab 19:00 Uhr öffnet die Brotfabrik für die Gäste ihre Pforten. Nach Getränkebestellung und Smalltalk wird Darren Cooper ab 19.30 Uhr in gewohnt kurzweiliger Art und Weise durch den Abend führen. Die Vorträge des...