After having successfully launched its services in the US, the IT-Service company Geneka
Technologies, with headquarters in India, has now officially opened a subsidiary in Frankfurt.
Geneka Technologies Europe GmbH is offering a broad range of services, with a special focus on the needs of Start-ups. Be it the development of Websites, mobile Apps, Special IT or e-Commerce solutions up to the provision of staffing solutions or outsourcing the complete IT to dedicated teams.
“…With our more than 50 experienced developers and project managers in India, we are
able to offer our services at reasonable costs levels. Still, we guarantee the highest level of
security and reliability – as agreements and contracts will be closed directly with Geneka
Technologies Europe GmbH, which also serves as project management center and
communication hub – during the complete project lifecycle…” says Kedar Munshi (Founder –Geneka Technologies).
Geneka Technology was founded by Kedar Munshi and Abhijeet Kulkarni in Aurangabad, India back in 2014. Apart from the headquarter the company today has a second development center in Nasik, India and has offices in Detroit, Dubai and now Frankfurt.
Besides the two Founders, Carsten Wortmann is Co-Founder and “Geschäftsführer” of the
German GmbH.
If you are interested in the company’s services – please feel free to contact at:
Geneka Technologies Europe GmbH
Ulmenstrasse 3, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Phone: +49 (0) 69-256 246 70

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