Is not every day that a six-floor coworking space opens. WeWork Goetheplatz is about to start something special. The opening is soon. Very soon. You can schedule visits and spaces for rent are still available. All infos can be find here: WeWork Frankfurt WeWork hip office buildings have been opening around the world and it´s the perfect...
Repeat Mode: Online Marketing Rockstars – State of the German Internet 2017
If you need something to distract you during this Sunday afternoon, maybe you should consider going through the following suggestion. Either you are an entrepreneur, working for a start-up or for a big corporation there are very relevant lessons to learn from this keynote that we post today. “The State of the German Internet” – In...
Brown Bag Session with Meirav Harel about Blockchain – next week in Frankfurt
Who is Meriav Harel? Meirav Harel was chosen for “Women in Fintech 2016 Powerlist” by Innovative Finance UK. Meirav Harel is a Financial Technology & Digital Disruption expert, specializing in trading and investment interfaces. For the last 7 years Meirav has been the Business Development Manager of “Leumi Trade”, Bank Leumi’s award winning trading website, which had...
Social Responsibility endorsement – sharing is caring
Today, 89% of consumers are willing to recommend companies with excellent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scores, compared to only 6% of consumers who would recommend companies with poor CSR scores. This is a very interesting fact from Reputation Institute the world’s leading research and advisory firm for reputation. As a consumer, I want to do my part...
Germany and the Future of Football? Are we planting some seeds from Frankfurt?
Gary Lineker once said that Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win. In the past, this quote was used because of the physical and mental power that was even beating talent. Today, it´s no longer that. Germany has a unique project...
Spanish, Italian and French speakers – Fittea is hiring in Wiesbaden
Fittea by Fitvia is hiring currently for 25 positions. Spanish, Italian and French expats – if you are looking for jobs in the area of On-line and Influencer Marketing – that´s a great opportunity to join an international start-up aiming to grow internationally and be the leader of functional tea in Europe. Discover more about the opportunities...
Start-ups are Sexy – some even help you to be sexier! 3 examples from Rhein-Main
Not more than two weeks ago, there was quite some media coverage about statements from Peter Barkows (Managing Director of Barkows consulting) on how start-ups are Sexy and how Frankfurt is now starting to realize it. The context of the statements and articles was around the Fintech environment. The arguments and data in those articles are very relevant and interesting...
Twelve European markets under the same roof in Sulzbach – expat alert!
The company I want to highlight here maybe can no longer be called a start-up in theory – but in practice maybe. They have fifteen years in business and they are the leader of the segment they work, but when they started it was a group of fewer than five people sitting in a home living...
Trouver un emploi ou un stage à Francfort – Offres d'emploi pour francophone
Are you a French expat looking for Job in Frankfurt? I would recommend you to speak to Alexandra Hofmann. She is the Head of Business Development and HR from a great Fintech startup in the center of Frankfurt – Savedroid. Savedroid is a young Startup that launched the first intelligent savings app. More than 150.000...
Frankfurt and Expats – Two sides of the same Coin
How can an expat enroll into the Frankfurt job market? How can the Frankfurt start up Ecosystem benefit from the increasing number of expats looking for jobs? First things first, I´m an expat living in Frankfurt for barely six years. I had the chance to work for three German companies so far, but while I´m...