#StartupGuideFrankfurt – in a nutshell, an initiative and project based on traditional guidebooks that can be carried around everywhere. Startup Guide books help you navigate and connect with different startup scenes across the globe. The Frankfurt edition was kick-off last week – see some photos bellow. The book itslef will be released and presented in mid December...
Startup Guide Frankfurt Community Kick-off – event this evening
We wrote some minutes ago about the Nominations Open for New Book Dedicated to Frankfurt’s Startup Scene – but as a good news never comes alone – discover what the first-ever Startup Guide Frankfurt book has to offer! Join us for an evening of short talks, drinks and mingling with the startup community this evening! Whether you...
Nominations Open for New Book Dedicated to Frankfurt’s Startup Scene
Startup Guide is bringing its popular entrepreneurial guidebook series to Frankfurt in partnership with start zero and with support from SAP Next-Gen and FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH, International Marketing of the Region. Entrepreneurs, accelerators, coworking spaces and experts can now be nominated to be featured in Startup Guide Frankfurt, the first-ever entrepreneurial handbook dedicated to the...
Studie zum Gründerstandort Rhein-Main
Für eine Studie über den Gründerstandort Rhein-Main sucht der Frankfurter Student Titus Winterstein Teilnehmer für eine kurze Befragung. Folgende Bitte sendet er an Euch: Helfen Sie uns, den Gründerstandort Rhein-Main zu verbessern!Im Rahmen einer Studie über das Gründungspotential der Rhein-Main Region möchten wir Sie bitten, an unserer Umfrage zur Bewertung des Standortes teilzunehmen. Die Studie wird unterstützt...