APIs are used by developers to let apps, cloud services and smart devices talk to each other. Regardless the almost endless possibilities coming with connected services, developers face many technical challenges – which has been solved by API integration provider CloudRail. Lately, the company has announced a high six-digit investment from the family office of...
50 Million Used Integrations – API Integration Provider CloudRail Hits Major Milestone
Have you ever heard of CloudRail (https://cloudrail.com)? If you are not a developer, you probably did not. Nevertheless it is very likely that you have used the startup’s technology without even knowing. CloudRail is the company behind many 3rd party integrations in smartphone apps and other software. These can be for example functions to log-in...
CloudRail makes it easy to switch Cloud Storage Providers
The enterprise cloud storage pricing war between Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure and other BaaS provider just accelerated even more. CloudRail, a leading API integration provider, has released a unified API which allows developers to seamless switch between providers in minutes. This eliminates the main technical barrier which prevented ISVs and application builders from switching to...
109. Venture Capital Meeting
Beim bereits 109. Venture Capital Meeting in Frankfurt halten Dr. Markus Söhnchen und Peter Scherer (GSK Stockmann & Kollegen) einen Vortrag zum Thema “Herausforderungen und Chancen des Brexits für deutsche Startup-Unternehmen“. Herr Dr. Söhnchen und Herr Scherer werden über rechtliche und strukturelle Herausforderungen des Brexits für deutsche Startup-Unternehmen referieren und dabei auch das Chancenpotential beleuchten....