Entrepreneurship im Rhein-Main-Gebiet braucht Euch und Eure Ideen. Die Studentenorganisation Frappe, bekannt durch tolle Gründerevents wie die Super Startup Night, lädt Euch dazu ein, hierfür am womöglich ersten Rhein Main Business Model Wettbewerb teilzunehmen. Veranstaltet wird dieser Wettbewerb in Kooperation mit TiE, The Indus Entrepreneurs. Hier erfahrt Ihr alles wichtige für die Teilnahme:
You are invited to participate, get feedback and help for your idea and the chance to win some money to get your venture off the ground.
This is the first step towards the international TIE Businessplan Competition in Houston, Texas, which features a prize money of 1,5 Million Dollars.
Because of the international Jury all documents have to be in english.
The rules are pretty simple, really. Create a team, answer the questions of our interview and fill out the lean canvas attached.
The interview:
Business Opportunity:
– What is your company going to make?
– How are you going to make money?
– What is the customer pain you are solving and how did you discover this pain?
– Who are you?
– Please list for each founder: name, age, school, degree and subject (if any), present employer and title (if any)
– How do you know each other and for how long?
– What is the key ability of each of your teammates?
– Which role will each of you play while building your business?
– What are the 3 most dangerous (or brave) assumptions you made about your opportunity? – How are you going to tackle each of these risks?
– What is the point of no return, when do you know that this is going to be big?
Information about lean canvas:
- http://www.ashmaurya.com/2012/02/why-lean-canvas/
- http://www.instigatorblog.com/deeper-lean-biz-model-canvas/2011/05/26/
General information helping you to get off the ground:
- http://www.udacity.com/overview/Course/ep245/CourseRev/1
- http://steveblank.com/tools-and-blogs-for-entrepreneurs/
The Process:
Please submit your documents until 23.11.2012 to kontakt@frappe-rheinmain.de.
We will read your submission and probably come back to you with some questions.
The 10 top teams will be informed until 30.11.2012 and will be invited to our pitch event at Hotel Interconti Frankfurt on 05.12.2012.
For any questions please contact kontakt@frappe-rheinmain.de Have fun and good luck to all of you!
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