Frankfurt is to become a leading location for artificial intelligence (AI). “We have all the prerequisites to develop Frankfurt into an international AI hotspot: The world’s largest Internet node, state-of-the-art data centers, leading IT security research,” said Minister of Economic Affairs Tarek Al-Wazir on Wednesday in the TechQuartier in Frankfurt. “We will therefore build a KI hub...
Lexemo announces product launch of CARA, the efficient CRR research, visualization & knowledge sharing tool
Lexemo LLC announced the product launch of CARA, the efficient research, visualization & knowledge sharing tool for the Capital Requirements Regulation. CARA offers bankers, lawyers, accountants, advisors, paralegals and other professionals of the financial service industry an efficient and transparent CRR research, communication and knowhow sharing workflow. The online tool CARA will improve the way...
Gesucht werden Gründer, die digitale Anwendungen, neuartige Produkte oder Verfahren mit echtem Mehrwert für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft, den Wein- und Gartenbau oder für Aquakulturen entwickelt haben. Das können beispielsweise Innovationen sein, die das Tierwohl verbessern, den Klima- und Umweltschutz voranbringen, zur Ressourcenschonung beitragen oder die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Agrarwirtschaft stärken. Ausdrücklich werden auch branchenfremde Start-ups...
Launch of GreenTech Hub
TechQuartier, along with Finance in Motion, one of the world’s leading impact asset managers, are joining forces to launch GreenTech Hub. GreenTech Hub is a center dedicated to new enterprises in the fields of green technology, clean energy, and sustainable development. Located next to Finance in Motion’s own offices on the bank of the River...
Ein neuer umfassender Bericht über das Frankfurter Gründer-Ökosystem hat ergeben, dass der Schlüssel zu einem verstärkten Gründer-Spirit bei den Hochschulen und Unternehmen der Region liegt und zeitnah wachstumsstarke, arbeitsplatzschaffende Scaleups generiert werden könnten. Der von der Goethe-Universität, deren Alumni und Mehrfachgründer Yi Shi und dem Startup-Hub TechQuartier in Auftrag gegebene “Frankfurt Startup Ecosystem Report” von...
Sport und Unternehmertum – eine erfolgreiche Kombination für die Startup Region Frankfurt Rhein-Main
Frankfurt Rhein-Main als Digitalstandort stärken. Kooperation von Eintracht Frankfurt und TechQuartier zahlt auf Masterplan ein. Eintracht Frankfurt, das TechQuartier und die Hessische Landesregierung arbeiten auch in Zukunft gemeinsam an der Stärkung des Digitalstandorts Frankfurt Rhein-Main. Der Deutsche Pokalsieger hat kürzlich mit dem TechQuartier das Bootcamp „Money meets Idea – SportsTech“ für Startup-Unternehmen durchgeführt, die digitale...
Startup community party // Milestone Night @TQ
What is this about? A party of epic proportion. All the Frankfurt RheinMain startup community is invited! DJ, food, drinks, all of it prefaced by a cocktail conference / pre-drinks discussion with the Startup Genome team visiting us from the Valley, who will be in town to drop the much anticipated Local Startup Ecosystem Report!...
GrowthCon PitchBattle, this Wednesday at TechQuartier!
Presented by TechQuartier in collaboration with Eintracht Frankfurt, ING DiBa and WIBank, here is what the Pitch Battle is all about : We have selected Startups from three tracks – SportsTech, FinTech Early stage and FinTech Wildcard. The 15 selected competitors will present in front of the audience which will include a selected group of expert judges from the industry and investment...
Open Office Friday: TechQuartier
Open Office Friday is a to showcase some offices in Frankfurt from the coolest startups. Nothing like opening the doors for those who never visited or met us. This Friday, due to several meetings here, we are live at TQ. TechQuartier. Open Office Friday @techquartier_ffm Uma publicação partilhada por Rhein-Main-Startups (@rheinmainstartups) a 13 de Abr,...
Event of the Day: CrowdCon : ”The Crowd in a Changing Financial Ecosystem”
The German Crowdfunding Association (Bundesverband Crowdfunding e. V.) invites you to the first CrowdCon in Frankfurt am Main. Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development, will open the crowdfunding conference with a keynote address. The main topic of the panel discussions will be “The Future of Crowd Investing”. Following this...
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