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A Shift in Thinking

6. Mai 2020 | 15:0016:00


Join TechQuartier’s interactive webcast A Shift in Thinking. Designed to create dialogue in the global startup community and help us shift our thinking from crisis to change.

Live on Wednesdays at 15:00 (CET), TechQuartier’s Co-Founders, Dr. Thomas Funke and Dr. Sebastian Schäfer, host conversations about topics we are now facing in the wake of coronavirus. The virtual event also invites startup changemakers and visionaries to share their insights and predictions for new emerging business models and opportunities.

The goal is to explore the new frontier unfolding before us and discover what we are doing collectively as a connected world and individually to find the opportunities and shift our thinking from fear to possibility.

Submit your questions now.

Upcoming guests:

06 May – Hester Spiegel-van den Steenhoven,42-representative for Germany and Nora Schimang from the education startup CodeDoor.

Before leading 42 Germany, Hester worked for Deutsche Bank and PwC in Amsterdam and London proceeding her jump into EdTech in Frankfurt. During the webcast we will explore more about how the crisis is transforming the way learning is being delivered to students and the acceleration of digitalization.


6. Mai 2020
15:00 – 16:00