Sarah Kübler and HitchOn have been already on RMS radar before, so if you want to play wayback machine, find here an article in German about the launch of the agency, and two interviews from 2016 and earlier on in 2017. This time, apart from producing something in English, the goal was not to focus so much on Sarah or Hitchon, but indeed in a very important that they master. Sarah and his team provided indeed great insights that we want to share with you here.
RMS: Some people don’t understand what influencer marketing is…could you explain it?
Influencers are gradually replacing the stars of earlier generations. They get invited to TV shows, they are on magazine covers and turn out their own products. Their subscriber base gives them great reach, they can appeal to specific target groups, and they have a community of followers who trust them. These are aspects that give them the opportunity to present products or to enter into cooperative ventures with companies and to advertise authentically but transparently for something. For marketing experts, Influencers are the new advertising media in the digital field. As Influencer Marketing is currently experiencing quite a huge hype, it is important to plan a campaign carefully and not to go after every short-lived trend. With the appropriate budget and the right selection of influencers, valuable market shares and the motivation to buy can be generated.
RMS: Are you working more local/national accounts or international ones?
We serve both sides. Both local channels and companies on YouTube as well as international ones we can look after, optimize, and help to be more successful.
RMS: Which are the biggest challenges for this kind of marketing?
It is a great challenge to find the right influencer for your brand since a lot of new influencers appear every day and you quickly lose the overview. In addition, many fake influencers have now entered the mix, so you have to be careful. Then, it can become a challenge to frame the product into an authentic story with the influencer the star. Above all, precisely worded agreements are important but also trust, because the influencers know their target group and know what it likes.
RMS: Do you think influencer marketing can help some more startups from Rhein-Main area?
Definitely! Influencer Marketing is useful for any company, as there are a lot of different influencers on different platforms, which are a great addition to the self-communication of any type of business. Using their reach they can generate targeted attention with the appropriate target group, regardless of the industry or size of the company.
RMS: Can you explain slightly better the costs involved?
The cost of an Influencer campaign depends on the reach and level of activity of the influencer’s community – these benchmarks are extremely valuable to companies. There are no prices for packages, as this is always dependent on the size of the campaign and whether it is only on YouTube or on other social media as well.
RMS: Any pieces of advice for our readers that are reluctant about it?
Even if you see a lot of negative press about Influencer Marketing, this form of marketing is the future. There are so many options and also so many reputable influencers and agencies. In order to start such a cooperation, it is recommended to work with an agency that has some renown in the influencer industry, which is reliable and which is above all genuine and not a fake. Then an influencer campaign can succeed and give your product great visibility.
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