Emma is a startup project from The Bettzeit Group, a leading group of companies in the area of “good and healthy sleep” based in Frankfurt am Main.
With up-and-coming start-ups Dormando and Emma as well as the well-known brand Dunlopillo, the Bettzeit Group is one of the fastest growing tech and e-commerce groups in Germany.
Emma Matratzen GmbH has established itself as one of the most successful mattresses companies in the German market. Starting in 2015, Emma grew rapidly within the first six months and is now active in more than 10 European countries. Currently, the expansion of the product portfolio will take place with additional Emma products, at the same time that additional sales concepts will be tested and established.
Therefore, the project is looking for native British and French people to onboard and respectively manage and grow those markets.
Are you looking forward to joining an energetic team, varied work with a steep learning curve and a work environment in which you and your brave ideas are welcome?
If yes, please send your complete application including cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates, entry date and salary to karriere@bettzeit-gruppe.de.
Maja Dziehel | Team Leader Human Resources
069 / 989 723-303
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