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TechTalk #45 – What’s new in Google in 2020?
4. September 2020 | 17:00 – 20:00
*** Title: What’s new in Google in 2020? ***
Abstract: Kevin A. McGrail aka KAM will discuss some of the key changes for Google in 2020 so far and some of the plans going forward.
*** Speaker Mini-Bio – Kevin A. McGrail ***
Director of Business Growth, InfraShield
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail, [masked]
Kevin A. McGrail, aka KAM, is Director of Business Growth @ InfraShield.com doing cyberphysical security for critical infrastructure. He is a Google G Suite Top Contributor, Google Developer Expert & Google Ambassador. Kevin also loves Open Source Software and is a member of the Apache Software Foundation. He is a cyber security and privacy expert, and his research protects millions of Internet users every day.
He is an advisor for SecurityUniversity.edu & Virtru.com as well as a Director at the Dysautonomia Support Network and The McGrail Foundation. His latest honor is becoming a member of the U.S. Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary.
Kevin has spoken all over the United States and worldwide in Canada, Germany, Belgium, Sweden & China on Open Source Software, the Cloud & Cyber Security.
TechTalk & Beer bei //SEIBERT/MEDIA findet an jedem ersten Freitag im Monat um 17 Uhr statt: Erst ein interessanter Fachvortrag, dann noch ein bisschen Socializing, Diskussion und Austausch, und ab ins Wochenende.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und steht allen Interessierten offen – ob Experte, der Erfahrungen und Perspektiven von Kollegen kennenlernen möchte, oder ambitionierter Laie, der seinen Horizont erweitern will. Melde dich unter [masked] an oder komm einfach spontan vorbei!
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