- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
ONLINE: Frankfurt x Lyon – Das virtuelle International Matchmaking.
19. Mai 2021 – 20. Mai 2021
Das nächste International Matchmaking findet am 19.& 20. Mai 2021 statt: Frankfurt x Lyon.
Nach unserem ersten International Matchmaking im Oktober 2020 mit Tallinn, geht es nun nach Frankreich. Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner GRANDLYON la Métropole erkunden wir das Startup Ökosystem Frankreichs auf lokaler und nationaler Ebene.
An allen Tagen gibt es geschlossene, halböffentliche und öffentliche Programmpunkte.
Die Teilnehmenden erwartet in einem zweitägigen virtuellen Programm Accelerator-Sessions, Paneldiskussionen, Pitches und natürlich zahlreich Networking-Möglichkeiten. Während sich einige der Events, z.B. das 1:1 CEO/VC Lunch, exklusiv an die teilnehmenden Startups richten, so bieten die Abendveranstaltungen auch die Öffentlichkeit frische Impulse und innovative Best Practices. Um ein wirklich authentisches Programm sicherzustellen, wird das Programm anteilig von Frankfurt Forward und anteilig durch unseren internationalen Kooperationspartner organisiert. Darüber hinaus arbeiten wir eng mit lokalen Experten und Organisationen zusammen.
Vorläufiges Programm
Wednesday, May 19th
9:00 – 09:45 I Kick Off
In our welcome session, we’ll jointly kick-off the two-day event. Our aim is to get to know each other better, to quickly guide you through the program and clarify open questions. This event is exclusive for our participating startups.
10:00 – 10:45 I Startup Ecosystem FrankfurtRheinMain: Community Insights
The Frankfurt startup ecosystem comes together to have a discussion on offers and possibilities for startups in the region. We will deep-dive into the ecosystem´s structures and how the respective startup can benefit from these. Insights will be given by Olaf Atja Lemmingson (Director International Business Communities, Frankfurt Economic Development), Pedro Ferreira (CEO, Frankfurt Valley), Hugo Paquin (Head of Startup and Partner Relations, TechQuartier), David Hess
(Marketing Manager, StartHub Hessen), Caro Wagner (CEO, STATION Frankfurt). The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.
11:00 – 11:45 I How to build & scale a company in Frankfurt
Kompass will provide an overview on how to found and scale a business in Frankfurt as well as on the main challenges and lessons learned at the times of the pandemic. The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.
13:00 – 14:00 I CEO / VC Lunch
In an exclusive lunch event for the participating startups, we’ll bring together our 10 participants with top-notch CEOs and VCs.
18:00 – 19:30 I Startup Pitches
We’ve asked our 10 participating B2B startups from Lyon and FrankfurtRhineMain to pitch their companies. Feedback will be provided by top-level decision makers from both cities. Register here to join the public event.
19:30 – 20:30 I Virtual Cider
Grab yourself a cider and mingle with top talents, entrepreneurs and key players of the FrankfurtRhineMain and the Lyon tech ecosystems. We also kindly invite you to network with our 10 participating startups from both cities. On top, Beatrice Guinet (Head of One Bank Desk Germany, France, Italy, BeNeLux, BNP Paribas) will be giving insight on commuting between Lyon and Frankfurt. The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.
Thursday, May 20th
10:00 – 10:45 I Economic Ecosystem Lyon: Community Insights
The Lyon economic ecosystem comes together to have a discussion on how to scale your business from Lyon.Lyon economic development agency will detail how you will be ensured a state-of-the art support for flawless landing and set-up of international investment. This discussion will also lead us to talk about GreaterLyon’s impact objectives & describes the collaborative tools & offers existing for you. Our guests will be Julie Berliet of InvestInLyon Agency, Thibaut Baniere from GreaterLyon and Caroline Felix from La Ruche Industrielle. The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.
11:00 – 11:45 I Lyon Welcome Offer
The Lyon start-up ecosystem comes together to have a discussion on offers and possibilities for startups in the region. We will deep-dive into the ecosystem´s structures and how startup can benefit from these. Our guests will be Emilie Gerbaud from H7, Pauline Siché Dalibard from BelAirCamp and Elise Varenne from USIN. The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.
15:00 – 15:45 I Live training : HR & contracts laws in hypergrowth
Your business is on the right tracks, it is now time to face hypergrowth, congratulations. Our experts from Lyon are with you today to give you the right advices and the good preparation! Our guests will be Nicolas Chapdelaine, head of scale-up program, CCI de Lyon, and Cécile Lustin & Philippa Sicard, Endrös-Baum Associés law firm. The event is semi-public. Please contact the Frankfurt Forward team at info@frankfurtforward.com in case you would like to join the session.