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Live Coding – 10 minutes from scratch
12. März 2019 | 18:00 – 21:00
After some intense live coding meetups last year, we want to start this year with a more practical approach.
First off Juan will give us a brief report of some new and nice tools presented at the International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC), which took place in Madrid in January this year (http://iclc.livecodenetwork.org/2019/ingles.html).
After that we want to go beyond your first notes and beats to something like a song or performance.
Because, sometimes it can be a real challenge, as a (non-) musician and/or (non-) programmer to move forward, once you’ve written your first notes or loops. As with many things in learning there’s not always a clear “next step”. So let’s find that together, and have even more fun together.
The goal is, to give everyone enough ideas and support, so they can write a short song or live performance in 5 to 10 minutes.
We will have some time to gather around and talk about live coding and prepare some code for a small performance afterwards. Don’t be afraid! It’s not a paid concert, and nobody is expecting a masterpiece, but it’s difficult to talk and learn about live coding without experiencing it.
So get your fingers warm, try some funky functions, and put some rhythm in your algorithms, because this time we want to hear 👂🏽and see 👀 your thoughts.
All levels of experience are welcome and nobody will be judged by their level or experienc. We are all open to any kind of music and to enjoy some time together, regardless if you wish to make some harsh noise, 80s covers, the sickest EDM beats or the most trippy visuals since 2001: Space odyssey. Join us and be ready to show us your screen!