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AI – The Future is Now: Smart Mobility
14. November 2019 | 18:00 – 20:00
Cities are rife with technological disruption opportunities, chief among those mobility. As population in metropolitan areas keep growing, commuters are affected by congestion, employers by increasing productivity costs and policy-makers and city by rising infrastructure maintenance costs. To add to this, in the context of climate change, modes of transportation are seen as one of the main elements to address in order to rein in carbon emissions.
Among the solutions being explored are the development of new smart mobility solutions. These can take the form of intuitive apps that combine public transport, better infrastructures and Car-Sharing projects.
During this event, companies will share how they are using Articial Intelligence technologies to develop such smart mobility solutions. We are excited to bring those forward, and look forward to an insightful evening full of dynamic discussions!
Preliminary Agenda:
– 18:00h Registration
– 18:20h Welcome by TechQuartier and IBM
– 18:30h Keynote + Q&A by Fabian Bruckschen, Data Scientist at Circ (E-Scooter Company)
– 19:00h Impulse Keynote by Dr. Helmut Müller, Solution Architect for CAMSS Automotive at IBM
– 19:10h Impulse Keynote by Oliver Petrich, IT Strategy Consultant specialized in Enterprise Architecture Management at Deutsche Bahn AG
– 19:30h Panel Discussion
– 20:00h Networking
Note : Due to the high demand for this Series, please make sure you reserve a ticket only if you know you can attend. If you have reserved a ticket and know you will not join, it is much appreciated if you release it for someone else.