Nowadays one would wonder whether organizing women’s networking events actually has a positive impact towards gender equality. Additionally, it won’t change people’s mind-set by saying that attending a women networking event is key or that by attending you acquired a long-lasting effect towards success.For this reason, it is important to show that it in fact it does have an impact.
A recent study of 2,600 working women across functions and industries attending conferences for women in several U.S. states have shown that for the women who’d signed up for the conference but had yet to attend, 18% received a promotion during the period of such study, compared with 42% of women who had already attended the conference. In other words, in the year after connecting with peers at such conference for women, the likelihood of receiving a promotion doubled.
In addition, 5% of the women in the control group received a pay increase of more than 10%, compared with the 15% of women who had attended the conference. That means that in one year, attendees had triple the likelihood of a 10+% pay increase. 78 % percent of women who attended conferences reported feeling “more optimistic about the future” after attending.
That is why the organization of events like the Inspiring Women Summit are initiatives that bring women from different backgrounds to come together and break common circles that enable diversity, inclusion and the growth personally and professionally through social connection.
Photos of Inspiring Women Summit 2018 – Frankfurt 9th June – Courtesy of Bittersweet-Club
The Inspiring Women Summit was organized by Bittersweet-Club; a group of women that want to excel in the corporate world or in their own business. They share tips, strategies and experience to help other women to keep on working their personal and professional goals. The people behind this event are Ada Salas, founder of Bittersweet-Club and her co-founder, Stefanie Stanislawski. They designed a format that covers the whole spectrum from inspiring speeches, professional tools and health topics. They approached different companies for sponsorship, universities and start-ups to support this event which only mission is to equip women with the knowledge and provide a community to create and grow professionally.
“We are impressed, proud and happy by the incredible response of the
audience and from the private sector like Merck and Mannheim Business
School that have contributed to the execution of this summit by giving the
importance, support and empowerment to women communities. We would
like to see more support from the private sector on this type of initiatives” says Ada Salas.
The Inspiring Women Summit is a conference with key benefits for the women community through a sense of social connection felt by the attendees, engaging workshop sessions, women and men role models all together in one memorable event.
“We want every woman, especially mothers to keep being strong, smart, confident, to step out of stereotypes and go beyond internal and external barriers “- says the founder.
“The Inspiring Women Summit was an event which aimed to bring together inspiring women and men to talk about topics around the challenges of
being a woman in today’s world and the steps we can all take together to accelerate change. The result? An amazing day, completely sold out,
inspiring speakers, supportive sponsors, unique learnings, and promising outcomes” says – Stefanie Stanislawski co-founder
Highlight moments – photos Courtesy of Bittersweet-Club:
Inspiring Women Summit by Bittersweet-Club (Stefanie Stanislawski, co-founder and Ada Salas, founder of Bittersweet-Club)
Driving leadership through diversity by David Wills – Health Care ERP Process Owner at Merck KGaA
Entrepreneurship in Germany: a progressive realization by Fernanda Alvarez – founder of International Spouse Network
Workshop: How to overcome inner and outer obstacles (through real coaching examples) by Susanne De Jesus Oliveira – founder of Yellow Olivetree
Mindfulness techniques for busy women by Christelle Pillot – Mindfulness Expert and Coach
Money between children and career by Claudia Mueller – Founder of Female Financial Forum
Panel: The Role of Women in Modern Times by Angelica Timofte – Head of go to market platforms at Merck KGaA
More photos Courtesy of Bittersweet-Club: