Sunday thoughts / End of the Startup Era / Anders Indset

Last Wednesday at WeWork, Anders Indset gave a very interesting, intense and interactive talk that include topics from different areas.

One of them, The end of the Startup Era:


[wpvideo MUk76XqO]


In his page, Anders as a very interesting section covering it:

Successful business owners and politicians are still talking about “Digital Agenda” or “Digital Transformation” and “The Start-Up-Era” – but this will now be rock-dead. In case you haven’t noticed – the Klondike years of “start-ups” are over. What came as a “start-up” will now end as a “finish down”, as so many are still trying to build the new “Silicon Whathaveyou”. But I got news for you; it is not about silicon anymore and in 2018 the start-up-hype comes to an end. And what about those simple new ideas? Forget your romance, ain’t gonna happen’! The problems to solve are hypercomplex and need huge amounts of data and thousands of the brightest minds working together with the most complex algorithms and can therefore only be solved by the large corporations.

Don’t get me wrong, it is still about creativity and creation, but there are no simple new ideas or eureka moments with shortcuts to fame and fortune. It is all about Entrepreneurship. We are back to the days of “Hard-Core-Entrepreneurship”. Trying Stuff – Leadership, Management and Execution – all world class – the recipe combined with some courage – boldness – risk to fail. As many will put their money on trying to build some new “Silicon-Copyhouses” those that succeed will get back to focusing on entrepreneurship. 2018 the year of entrepreneurs.

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Food for thoughts?





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