Made in FFM 2018 / Calling all Frankfurt Makers

Made in FFM 2018 / Calling all Frankfurt Makers

Experience creative manufactories, delicious specialties and innovative start-ups from your city! Made in FFM – the fair of Frankfurters for Frankfurters.

Opening hours:
Saturday, 27.10.2018: 12:00 to 20:00
Sunday, 28.10.2018: 12:00 to 19:00

Classic city Frankfurt
Orber Str. 4A
60386 Frankfurt Frankfurt an unlikely creative site that you can fully enjoy on Made in FFM. Whether it’s culinary delights, innovative technology, fashion and accessories or leisure items and home furnishings – there’s something here for everyone. The branch mix and the variety of products under one roof characterize the sales fair Made in FFM.

Further information and tickets at


Sunday Briefing - Dein kostenloser Newsletter aus dem Startup- und Innovations-Ökosystem FrankfurtRheinMain direkt ins Postfach.

Sunday Briefing - Der kostenlose Newsletter für Startups und Innovation in FrankfurtRheinMain.