If creativity is the key differentiator, I want more of that!
And another week has passed and I am in my next round of my short statements on how I, Christian H. Rother, a simple guy from Germany, reflect on the past, the present and the future.
So what sparks our creativity?
In the initial statement I concluded that creativity and the ability to put this creativity into action is the main differentiator for mankind and the one key ability that makes us human.
Hence, from my point of view, it is up to us to change gears and get the vast majority into creative activity mode, so we are confident instead of frightened about the automation and rapid technological shifts that reach us and will overrule us if we do not pay attention to it.
Today, it is normal for a Tesla to drive you autonomously from point A to point B. Tomorrow, it will be normal to chat with IBM Watson and its friends to check your health, etc.
What can we do to spark our creativity? What are the resources that enable us to redefine our view of the world and our imagination?
In my humble opinion, it is the spectrum of art that exposes us to an unlimited amount of creativity and enables us to reactivate our childish naivety and impartiality towards things, concepts, norms, etc.

Musicians, artists, sculptors, writers, movie makers and all within and around the creative industries are blessed to eat, breathe and sleep creativity. This makes them privileged already and will make this group of people richer compared to others that have totally degenerated all the creativity they once had as children.
But wait a minute! How did we vastly degenerate as human beings? Why do most of us think that we are not creative or that we don’t dedicate enough of our time to being creative or letting our creativity flow?
I personally think that we have been shoved into this vicious cycle by the changes of the Industrial Age and the unfavourable evolving monetary focus we have engaged in throughout our continuous prosperity, at least in the Western Hemisphere.
Only recently my wife and I were blessed by one of the most precious gifts in life, a child! Actually, two kids in two years. The reason I mention this is the lesson I have been taught by this life-changing adventure. Babies or kids are endlessly creative. I conclude: It is within us!
In essence:
To quote Steve Jobs, always „Stay hungry, stay foolish!“ and beyond that I urge us to „Be bold, be creative and seek for the unimaginable!”