Last week I was in Portugal for the WebSummit – Lisbon 2017
Just like Christian Rother shared his opinion about Bits & Pretzels here, I wanted to take the opportunity and keep the format.
It was my first time at Websummit and I hope was not the last.
The event itself is greatly organized, using a good marketing and a good event planning. Somehow I felt I was more in a cultural event rather than a professional one. I felt somehow that if we were in summer, it would have been a summer festival…but…that´s one side of the coin.
Depending on the status of your project, it can be either great or not, for business development, financing opportunities, and sinergies.
I felt that there were too many early stage projects, some without clear vision of their own markets.
The organization clearly invested in getting the event to bee the biggest tech/startup event in Europe, but inviting students, inviting too many early stage ideas, low the quality a bit down. In my opinion.
It´s not about quantity – would rather be about quality.
When it comes to Panels/Speakers, the mainstage and the other ones, had great moments and insights. Here the organization did a perfect job.
While networking and visiting the “booths” I come across with some very interesting projects. Some from Frankfurt =)
Where you there?
Other opinions?
Should we join next year?
My opinion is: if you are in early stage – definitely. If you are an investor, yes, you may find a hidden gem.
If you are already in a mature stage, the speakers are a great inspiration, but dont put much hopes into an event of 60.000 people, where everyone is working on wifi, mobile, and more worried about selfies and live postings, rather than changing ideas…but maybe that´s only my vision of it…and definitly this is only my opinion. Others may have a different view.
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