European Venture Market (EVM) in Frankfurt

European Venture Market (EVM) in Frankfurt

EY is hosting a EVM in Frankfurt/Eschborn and Startups get a great chance to improve their pitches and meet investors, corporates and helpful service-providers with hands-on advice face to face!
The European Venture Market (EVM) is an event-series that connects capital seeking startup -companies and active investors. The EVM is a networking conference where the Startups will be able to pitch their business projects for around 5 minutes to a crowd of investors and service providers.
The program also includes an intensive training and pitch-coaching for the Startups the day prior to the actual conference with our Partners. Furthermore the program includes Keynote speeches, industry presentations, one to one meeting and generous breaks.


27. October 2017
Coaching-Day on October 26th


EY Frankfurt
Mergenthalerallee 3-5
65760 Eschborn


First APPLY HERE and let us know a little bit about ayou and your company!
Special-Price (refer to “Rhein-Main Startups”): Company-Presentation-Package (inkl. Coachingday) 197,00 Euro (netto). At question 10:  Please let them know how you heard about the EVM – please mention Rhein-Main-Startups, then they can guarantee the above price after completing the selection procedure!
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