We dare to change the future! That’s why Mercedes-Benz joined forces with SXSW. Everybody, who is interested, should cancel their plans and come to the me Convention in Frankfurt to #createthenew. More information: http://mb4.me/me-convention. The me Convention takes place at Festhalle Frankfurt (Main) between September 15th–17th, 2017.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyydIYJkFhc&w=560&h=315]
More about the event:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfOrSydB0fU&w=560&h=315]
Join for three days of expert talks, inspiring keynotes, workshops, interactive labs, and art installations, and a special program of evening events that will be held throughout the historic city center!
Web: www.me-convention.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/
For months the organizers of the me Convention have been developing topics for an inspiring dialogue about the future, recruiting speakers and bringing together the most exciting conversational partners for the talks and panels. Transferring the spirit and approach of SXSW on the new platform, the program explores the future through the lens of technology, design and art, including speakers such as the astronaut and rocket scientist Buzz Aldrin, Head of Industrial Design at X – The Moonshot Factory, Nick Foster, avant-garde artist and cyborg Neil Harbisson, Project Director at Snøhetta Jette Hopp, Head Stemette Anne-Marie Imafidon, IBM Fellow John Cohn, fashion icon Amber Valletta, designer Hartmut Esslinger, media artist and choreographer Christian “Mio” Loclair, Director of Wikimedia Foundation Katherine Maher, Vice President Marketing of Lufthansa Alexander Schlaubitz, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab multimedia specialist Sasha Samochina, professional explorer and adventurer Mike Horn, Tibetan Buddhist Monk and mindfulness specialist Gelong Thubten – just to name a few.
The Festhalle is one of Frankfurt’s most iconic buildings and its central level is an ideal setting for the me Convention. The premium location is reserved for convention attendees only and it is spacious enough to host the big set-piece panel debates, workshops and keynotes, but intimate enough to encourage networking, socializing and relaxing. In the centre of the venue with its four stages and three workshop areas attendees will find an open platform with lounges, bars, co-working spaces and playgrounds in a festival-like atmosphere. Now the first program with a detailed time schedule has been published on www.me-convention.com.
You can also find it here: 170818_meConvention_schedule
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