FinTech-Konferenz "Fin Meets Tech 2017"

FinTech-Konferenz "Fin Meets Tech 2017"

FinMeetsTech takes place for the second time and offers young FinTech start-ups and entrepreneurs a platform to exchange ideas between peers and FinTech experts. The participants have the opportunity to meet experienced founders, technology and law experts as well as investors in personal mentoring sessions.

After the keynote of a successful FinTech founder, a few start-ups pitch their idea in the plenum before the young founders develop their concept and have it challenged in individual mentoring sessions. At the same time, experienced FinTech founders give insights into their success stories and experts report on current developments and future growth drivers in the FinTech environment.

The FinMeetsTech differs from conventional FinTech conferences because there is no passivity. Everyone is asked to create a constructive atmosphere and discuss innovative FinTech models. “Roll up your sleeves and work” is the mission of each participant.


26. April 2017


Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Adickesallee 32-34
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main


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