In Zusammenarbeit mit der European Space Agency (ESA) soll das nächste TEDxRheinMain-Event am 8. Mai 2014 stattfinden.
Rocketminds are people with ideas worth spreading. People, for whom not even space is the limit, who go beyond taking the next step – think far, prepare for the long haul. They look at our planet and see the future. They look at the sky and see opportunities. They do not simply think outside the box, but take the box and turn it into a multidimensional space, making it bigger on the inside. We want to invite 6 Rocketminds to come and share their ideas at our next TEDxRheinMain event at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, so that they can inspire all of us to realize their vision – launch your own Rocketideas.
We want to invite 6 Rocketminds to come and share their ideas at our next TEDxRheinMain event at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, so that they can inspire all of us to realize their vision – launch your own Rocketideas.
Datum & Uhrzeit
8. Mai 2014
ESA Darmstadt
Robert-Bosch-Straße 5
64293 Darmstadt
Weitere Informationen zu Events in der Region:
- StartupDigest für FrankfurtRheinMain, ein wöchentlicher Newsletter mit den wichtigsten Startup-Events
- Der Rhein-Main Startups Eventkalender mit allen Gründerterminen in der Region
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