European 100K€ Tech Startup Competition

Wir haben für Euch heute eine Info über einen internationalen Startup-Contest, für den Ihr Euch bewerben könnt. Wenn Ihr Euch international aufstellen möchtet, kann Euch dieser Wettbewerb eine Bühne bieten.

We are happy to announce the launch of the Hello Tomorrow Challenge, the most ambitious international tech-startup competition to connect and empower young european innovators.
With more than 500K€ in prizes and 100,000€ for the grand winner (equity free), the challenge is opens to startups/students/entrepreneurs in 5 tech tracks: IT-Com, Big Data, Biotech/Medtech, Robotics/Hardware and Energy.
The “Hello Tomorrow Challenge” is an unique combination of local events worldwide (55 ambassadors in 36 countries), mentoring, and competition.
We are backed by more than 50 incredible international jury members (Eben Upton, from Raspberry Pi, Bill Liao from SOS Ventures, Massimo Banzi from Arduino, Henri Seydoux from Parrot and many more…) and great accelerators/networks/universities/research centers from all over Europe.
Informations about the Challenge, the Agenda & Prizes:
The flyer to easily spread the word:
Press release:

Weitere Informationen zu Events in der Region:

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VERANSTALTUNGSHINWEIS: Tools4AgileTeams Konferenz in Wiesbaden

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