Limited to 5,000 attendees! Apply here to join the Founders Festival @bitsandpretzels in Munich on Sep 30 – Oct 2

Bits & Pretzels is an application-only, three-day festival that connects 5,000 founders, investors, startup enthusiasts, and all other decision-makers of the startup ecosystem. The festival takes place in a unique setting around the Oktoberfest in Munich from September 30th – October 2nd, 2018. The most successful founders from all around the world, as well as young aspiring entrepreneurs, will meet at the event for inspiration, learning, and matchmaking. On the last day, all attendees and speakers come together in one tent with one goal: liquid networking.

Facts about Bits & Pretzels
  • Annual festival taking place in Munich
  • Founded in 2014
  • Started as a “Weißwurst-breakfast” for founders with only 80 people
  • In just three years, the festival grew to 5,000 attendees
  • Since 2017, limited to 5,000 attendees
  • In 2017, Hollywood Actor and startup investor Kevin Spacey officially joined as fourth partner (current status: partnership suspended, Kevin Spacey is not a current brand ambassador)
  • 2018: Introducing an application-only ticketing process

From founders for founders / Connecting the smartest risk takers and change makers in tech (to fight mediocrity)!



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