webweek rhein-main 2018 – day 2

Welcome to Germany’s Silicon Valley: Around the world’s largest Internet hub -in.
Frankfurt has a huge network of people, initiatives and companies. You
are already shaping the morning today. Network at: // webweek rhein-main at many events between Darmstadt, Marburg, Hanau and Mainz or on the web. The future is starting now.



Today we start the second day, full of events,  including:

Frankfurt Typo 3 Usergroup 

Meetup: typical applications of  statistics software R

Mom Preneurs Social Media Marketing

Web Monday pouring

Social Media Walk #smcffm Naussauischer Kunstverein

The human in digital environments – usability, user experience and more

Agile conference with many workshops

Footprints Live

Accelerating students to become world class enigneers

Ethereum for Automotive & Logistics

Hacking Work: How “New Work” Revolutionizes Our Work

The choice is yours! Plenty of interesting and different topics to discuss, learn and people to network with.





Sunday Briefing - Dein kostenloser Newsletter aus dem Startup- und Innovations-Ökosystem FrankfurtRheinMain direkt ins Postfach.

Sunday Briefing - Der kostenlose Newsletter für Startups und Innovation in FrankfurtRheinMain.