Women Who Inspires RMS flashback shots

Yesterday we hosted an event that we called Women Who Inspires RMS.

Some flashback shots:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHvIsFDnObU&w=560&h=315]

If you missed it…here it goes: we were lucky to have four great speakers ( with great stories and topics to present about their careers and personal life), a great moderator and an audience full of curious, motivated and/or entrepreneurial minds, most of them FEMALE- thanks for joining!

My personal note, everything was great, but I was expecting more MALE participation

First of all, the event was about Women who inspire Rhein-Main-Startups. These Women should inspire not only other Women but also Men, in my opinion. The topics that were covered affect Women but also Men…and any given entrepreneur who wants to grow, should learn and listen from the best despite being Men or Women.

Next time we will work on better communicating it for Men as well, because indeed, the role of the Men in helping Women to succeed is key.

Women alone will do it, I´m sure ( we had a lot of stories yesterday), but if we live and work in an equal society – Gender Free – we should support each others disregarding any criteria of gender, religion, age, etc…

So goal for next time, including more Men as participants.

As a format, it was very good one ( at least it was the general feedback) and we have a good line-up of more potential speakers…so we are looking forward to organize and host a second one.

We hope you will join next time and that together we can help our Female/Male community to grow stronger and succeed!



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