PunchOut.Tech: Idea to MVP! Frankfurt Edition 2018

PunchOut.Tech: Idea to MVP! Frankfurt Edition 2018

The event, organized by Founders Fight.Club, is the kickoff for a 7-week-programme PunchOut.Tech. They partnered up with corporates and accelerators who gave challenges (real life problems they want to solve) into the programme e.g. MediaMarktSaturn asks: “How would the smart shelf of the future look like?”.

Everyone who is interested in learning agile, lean startup and design thinking is welcome to join and form teams to solve a challenge.

They support the teams with 3 live workshops and eLearning through the 7 weeks. In the end, there will be the big final where the teams pitch their ideas and the corporates can decide if their challenge is solved and who is the winning team that receives a price!

Right now they are still reaching out to the Frankfurt startup ecosystem to find more participants and supporters 🙂

Get to know more and reserve tickets: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/punchouttech-idea-to-mvp-frankfurt-edition-2018-tickets-42946044776?aff=efbeventtix



27. Februar 2018

18:30 Uhr – 23:00



Design Offices Frankfurt Westendcarree

Gervinusstraße 17

60322 Frankfurt am Main



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