Reminder: Pitch Club FFM #14 Hessen Ideen – Startup Afterwork – today

Reminder: Pitch Club FFM #14 Hessen Ideen – Startup Afterwork – today

As annouced before, today,  February 21st 2018,  “Pitch Club FFM #14 Hessen Ideen” takes place at TNT – Thurn ´N Taxis Palais (Thurn und Taxis Platz 1 60313 Frankfurt am Main) in the heart of Frankfurt.

In this exclusive event, capital-seeking startups pitch in front of top-notch investors.

At 6 p.m. the official event shifts to the legendary Startup After Work Party. Refreshing drinks and a relaxed atmosphere promise entertainment and networking regarding startup and entrepreneurship in the Rhein/Main region. If you are interested in taking part in the next Startup Afterwork, please register under via the Afterwork Contact Form for the event.

Investors can also apply under for the official part of the event, starting at 2 p.m.

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Sunday Briefing - Der kostenlose Newsletter für Startups und Innovation in FrankfurtRheinMain.