Open Office Friday: Fastbill

Open Office Friday: Fastbill

Open Office Friday is a new section that I wanted to start for a while now, and yet, it was never possible.

Starting from today, we will try to spot every Friday a coll office from our coolest startups.

Nothing like opening the doors for those who never visited or met us.

After sharing my idea with some founders, Christian Häfner, Co-Founder from Fastbill, proved to be one of the fastest indeed.

So this Friday, we are happily sharing some shots of  FastBill , a startup that offers Online Invoices and Accounting for small and big businesses.  FastBill’s professional online service exists since 2007. Customers include founders, established companies, agencies and Web-Shops.

Some more photos will follow on our social media channels.

Keep rocking FastBill

Open Office Friday – today discover @fastbill_int – more on our page

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Rhein-Main-Startups (@rheinmainstartups) am




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