Quality is spreading – following victories in the Netherlands and France, Emma has now been awarded first prize as the best mattress in Italy by leading consumer magazine Altroconsumo[1]. This makes Emma the first mattress to be honored as the best tested mattress in three European countries. Also, the UK version of Emma mattress scored high and received a “Best Buy” from consumer magazine “Which?”. Consequently, the company is continuing on its fast-paced growth path and is now expanding to Italy and Spain.
1.5 years after its market entry, the popular Emma mattress is now available online in ten European countries, and – with the help of strong partners – will also be available in retail stores in five countries by the end of the year. This European success is also reflected in the figures: In August alone, around 10,000 Emmas were sold. This is an increase of 150 percent compared to the previous year.
Differentiation is a key element when it comes to selling mattresses online. Emma follows the clear line of convincing with quality and service. “Our strength definitely lies in technological competence in the development of mattresses. The fact that Emma has been honored for the third time this year underlines that we are working on and researching the right aspects,” said Max Laarmann, founder and CEO of Emma Mattress. Emma has also accomplished this success with the help of Bettzeit Group, whose CEO Manuel Müller comes up with more than 15 years of experience in the industry.
The particularly long-lasting and frequently certified foam used in each Emma mattress has been developed by the Frankfurt Team. “If you pay attention to the in-depth evaluation criteria of these tests, you will find that our Emma mattress is a top quality product,” emphasized Max Laarmann. A lack of carrying handles and a short product description hurt Emma in the test conducted by German Stiftung Warentest last year, but this was amended and the handles added to all Emmas as of May 2016.
Strategically and qualitatively, Emma leaves its European competitors behind in the highly competitive online mattress market. Already in its first full year (2016), Emma generated an income of 15 million Euros in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Emma is now on an ambitious growth path. In the second fiscal year, sales are expected to more than double.
European Championship
The Frankfurt based company is not resting on its laurels. Customer wishes and material innovations are regularly incorporated into product development. For this reason, the crew is currently working on the next generation of Emma which will be launched in Germany this autumn. Now that Emma will be available in roughly 1,000 residential stores in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), the Netherlands and Belgium, Emma plans to expand its retail presence in other countries such as the UK, France and Italy. The focus of this quality and growth strategy is clear: “We offer consumers an outstanding product and excellent customer service. With this, we want to grow Emma into the best bed-in-a-box mattress brand in Europe,” said Müller.
About Emma Matratzen GmbH
Emma Matratzen GmbH offers one of the best-selling online mattresses. The company has developed a high-quality, pressure-relieving mattress, which is suitable for different body and sleeping types. The developers have analyzed the best mattresses from around the world and have used this knowledge to create Emma. In the first business year, about 1,500 Emma mattresses were sold per week. Customers can test them at home for 100 days, risk-free. The matching accessories (pillow, blanket and bed linen), a complete box spring bed and a baby mattress are also available through Emma’s online store.
Emma Matratzen GmbH was founded at the end of 2015 by Max Laarmann as a subsidiary of Bettzeit GmbH. In addition to Emma, Bettzeit GmbH also fits other business segments under its umbrella: the online specialist retailer Dormando (http://www.dormando.de ), a stationary, specialized retailer in Frankfurt am Main, and the traditional German brand Dunlopillo in the B2B area. The Bettzeit Group employs over 100 people at two locations.
Please find further details concerning the mentioned tests here:
https://www.emma-matratze.de/matratzen-test/, https://www.emma-matelas.fr [https://www.emma-matelas.fr/test-matelas-que-choisir], https://www.altroconsumo.it/casa-energia/materassi/test/materassi/risultati,https://www.emma-mattress.co.uk/
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