It´s going to be tomorrow, August 16th in the Merck Innovation Center in Darmstadt.
After a long summer break, the next Innovators’ Club will at 5:30 pm, and it´s the beginning of the next round of their monthly event series. The kick-off event in August is focused on pushing true innovation in corporations even though they are based on long-standing structures.
The keynote speaker Jean-Philippe Hagmann will guide the attendees through crucial measures for radical innovation.
Useful not only for big corporations but also startups, right?
As the organizers state: “Innovation is one of the biggest buzzwords of the 21st century. The three main drivers for innovation: the striving for growth, technological progress, and unsatisfied customer needs, result in an even stronger demand for new products and services. Unfortunately innovating is more complex than many managers would like it to be. In addition to methods and processes that have little to do with classical management, successful innovation requires above all a particular mindset that is still unknown to many of us.”
Jean-Philippe Hagmann, keynote speaker and expert in innovation, is aware of this issue and has created an approach to encourage innovation by forming five specific roles or personalities within the company. He will share his approach and guide all of the presents through the art of radical innovation.

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