These are the new program features
- TV Budget and Funding: They offer TV budget worth 500.000 EUR on all channels of the ProSiebenSat.1 group (ProSieben, SAT.1, kabel eins, sixx, SAT.1 Gold und ProSieben MAXX) reaching more than 40 million views daily. Moreover they provide every startup with 25,000 EUR cash. They don’t take direct equity – only a fair convertible note.
- Venture Capitalist Network: They provide access to their exclusive network of VC firms (b-to-v, Earlybird Venture Capital, e.ventures, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Lakestar)
- Coaching: The core team of the Accelerator program, executives from different areas of ProSiebenSat.1 Media Group with entrepreneurial experience or product expertise, works with the participants on a daily basis to refine their business strategies and share experiences from their own background.
- Mentoring: Mentoring sessions with a strong focus on marketing and sales with external experts take place twice a week
- New office spaces in Berlin
The aim of the program is to speed up the pace of development of promising, young companies and support the teams to find synergies within the wide-reaching network of ProSiebenSat.1 Media Group. For more information visit the website https://www.p7s1accelerator.com or on FB https://www.facebook.com/p7s1accelerator.
The program application period started on June, 2015 and will end on the 15th July, 2015. After narrowing down the applications to about 20 startups, we will invite those companies to pitch in front of our jury. Out of those 20 companies we will pick up to 8 companies to participate in the Accelerator program starting in March 2015.
Startups can apply here: https://www.p7s1accelerator.com/en/application.
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Startup-Buch des Monats:
Controlling in Start-up-Unternehmen von Jürgen Diehm