Vielleicht eines der innovativsten Gründungen aus Frankfurt am Main überhaupt ist acellere, ein Jungunternehmen das nicht weniger verspricht als: “Machine that writes software for you!”
Wer das Hightec-Unternehmen unterstützen möchte, findet hier ein paar erste Informationen und im Blog von Acellere einen Einblick, wie eine Einstellung beim Startup so ablaufen kann.
We are a forward looking technology company, that aims to solve software problems, the world over.
Our mission is to unleash global creativity by organizing source code and its associated artifacts into reusable components which can be used to build and maintain software.
We are constantly pushing the boundaries of computer science. We are looking at people who are as passionate as us about our mission or perhaps even more.
We provide our teams exciting opportunities to work together and by themselves. Thus, enabling them to reach epitome of their potential, so that we can collectively solve complex problems of the industry.
We have a flat open culture, that enhances productivity and makes work fun. We pride ourselves in our diversity and encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
We embrace people across the board in terms of work experience. You need not have experience to work with us. Most importantly, we look for people who have the willingness, adaptability and potential to learn. With exciting challenges thrown at you everyday, you are encouraged to learn and grow. Everyone in Acellere is given an opportunity to do their best work of their professional lives.
We’re hiring
If you’re a mathematician, hacker (code ninja), information designer, computer engineer, graphic designer or systems architect and if you want to do exciting work, we’re looking for you! Come join our team within Frankfurt, Germany or Pune, India. Send in your resumes to
Weitere interessante Beiträge:
- Startup-Jobs – Stellenausschreibungen aus der Gründerszene in FrankfurtRheinMain
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