Besuch aus San Francisco – Tristan Kromer mit Lean Startup-Workshop zu Gast

Besuch aus San Francisco – Tristan Kromer mit Lean Startup-Workshop zu Gast

MVP Workshop Tristan Kromer
Am 20. Oktober bekommen wir Besuch aus San Francisco. Tristan Kromer, Initiator der globalen Initiative “Lean Startup Circle”, wird mit einem Workshop zu Gast sein: “Your MVP Sucks! – How to crush your dreams and embrace reality”.
Big, bold, risky, and ideas require small steps forward.
Some ideas have technology risks, some have eco-system risks, some risk being crushed by 800 lbs gorillas in the industry, but all ideas have Product/Market Risk.
If you build it, will they come? (and give you money)
This workshop will take your big idea and break it into a series of small steps to test Product/Market Fit with a Minimum Viable Product.
In this workshop you will:
– Learn how User Experience affects your Business Model;
– Clearly define your Minimum Viable Product (MVP);
– Create metrics to measure your progress towards Product / Market Fit. (P/MF)
You should attend if:
– Have an understanding of lean but are looking for a deep dive;
– You do not currently have Product / Market Fit;
– Keep running experiments but either aren’t making progress or can’t tell if you’re making progress.

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